Be That Mom:
Parenting from a Place of Wholeness
Motherhood did not come with a manual, especially for the girl mom. A catalogue of information for mothers raising daughters, to gently guide you through 30 Ways in 30 Days of sound parenting practices is provided. This therapeutic journal-style format includes thoughtful writing prompts that will enlighten and develop mothers and daughters to build strong, meaningful relationships with each other.

Cleans Inside: A Guided Spiritual Cleanse
Based on the 5 Day Spiritual Cleanse experience, download your blueprint for spiritual success as you journey to wholeness. Challenge your core, residing issues preventing you from living whole with insights and prompts that are both reflective and interactive.

Spirit Check: Practical Solutions for Emotional Mastery
Through the lens of self examination, five bold, common emotions + character flaws [jealousy, intimidation, pride, fear and anger] are exposed that derail personal, spiritual success and growth.
Spirit Check, provides a persuasive commentary with practical solutions for immediate implementation to transform the mind, soul and spirit. Commit to a more excellent way of mastering your emotions.

Operate on a Whole New Level
Sometimes life requires a REBOOT mentally, emotionally and spiritually. In this book, we take a look at your IOS (internal operating system) to identify glitches, malfunction, and any failure that's preventing you from functioning by design. Scenarios, models and relatable tech terms are used to help you function whole.
"Pastor Michelle Collins is a dynamic speaker and mentor. She uses her gifts to empower not only her generation, but also the upcoming generation of women. I have been blessed and inspired by her work and the words she has spoken into my life."
- Breana Moore, MSW


How to cultivate healthy emotional responses to life's experiences
Acknowledge the Journey of Your Emotions
Discover Your Emotional Achilles' Heel
Censor Your Inner Critic
Let Your Words Transform Your Mind
Activate Healthy Emotional Responses Now